Saturday, May 7, 2011

Post B'day

Smurfs remember that cartoon:)

I can no longer sleep past 8


I realized.........

1. That life is beautiful and sometimes in the hardest time there really is a light.
2. Blogging is not safe after all especially if you put in your full name (which is what I am going to do exactly after this)
3. You can get anything or everything perfect, so I wonder here if things are not perfect do you just settled for it? That would mean I will be settling for something substandard, and I doit like sub standard when you can get super standard.
4. I should ask God abt no 3 when I see him
5.Some ppl can just forget how it feels like, am i so insignificant
6.Many out there still have the heart to love and be loed
7. My Dell keyboard is super sucky... the V is not working and you need V when you type loe..I meant loVE... you seee you seeeee
8. My mind is half occupied with noises from the kids at MPP (You seee you seee.....sit on the bench)...lame
9.It's therapeutic to blog (oooh and that annoying car alarm)
10.CPS you are a jerk although you will always be the best (that's credit for you) same goes to you KK (roll eyes* scrooge)
10. There's some one that knows of the existence of this blog and you know yourself.. you are not suppose to read this

Happy Birthday K

Now I feel better